Jacob “cob” Cazabon
Canadian programmer & composer.
I started programming very young as an aspiring game developer, which eventually turned into studying computer science in university. My professional experience is with C++, JavaScript, and Python, whereas my recent hobby projects are mostly programmed in Rust.
Recently, I've also been learning to make music using pxtone — since 2023 I've managed to participate in multiple Pxtunes albums and Battle of the Bits compos.
Contact me by hollering aimlessly into the night sky or by emailing j@cob.im.
- cobVOICE: an assortment of synthesized instruments for pxtone, featuring demo tracks by jaxcheese and Hunter Van Brocklin.
- A suite of web utilities for pxtone (coming soon).
Other work
- Professional embedded development with C++ on SAMD21 & ESP32 microcontrollers.
: a Node.js interface for (now-defunct) brainwave sensor software.- Robot code in Java & Python for the 2016-18 FIRST Robotics Competition seasons.